Except he's not legally my husband but we've been together longer than most married couples soooo SUCK ON THAT INTARNET MEME! LULZ!
Significant Other Survey (OHYESIAMSNEAKY)
What is his name?
Kristopher Lloyd Olsen
How long have you been married?
Ummm Not married. We were going to get married about two years ago buuuut that didn't happen.
How long did you date?
Will be eight years on Halloween
Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
When did you first kiss?
Haha I think I was 15 at the time? At my friends house, in the dark, Most awkward moment ever since our friend JAke was right next to us ha! We'd been together about six months by then.
Who kissed who first?
He kissed me. I didn't want to be kissed actually but whatevs I suppose.
Who asked who out first?
He asked me, after about a year of friendship. Went to see Austin Powers at the dollar theater! Became Official on Halloweeny!
Who proposed?
He did, because he was brainwashed into thinking that the only way to progress in life or to make a woman happy was to get married and have kids to prove your love. He has since learned better.
How old are each of you?
24 and 22
Who eats more sweets?
He does. I enjoy them but I get sick from sugar easily.
Who said I love you first?
He did. I've really never been one for romance. Poor boy.
Who can sing better?
Haha me for sure, though I still like to get him to sing with me.
Who is smarter?
Depending on what needs to be known we're both smart in our own interests
Who does the laundry?
Me, with all the other housework.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Me, the closet is closer to the left side and I am more afraid of monsters in it than I am of some unknown intruder. I can shoot an invader.
Who mows the lawn?
He does because he's a manly man.
Who drives?
He does, I hate driving because of my horrible eyesight.
Who is more stubborn?
Me, he only got to stick around so long because he learned how to handle me. I think I've won but not really haha
Who has more siblings?
We're even, unless you count step siblings cause then he wins.
Do you have any house pets?
Ryuk the python, who is Kris's baby, Nox Arcana our Kitten, SRGNT Fuzzyboots, our foster kitten, and Hannibal my fluffy demon rabbit. Soon to be adding another ball of fluffy bunny to our home.
What church do you attend?
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, may he touch you with his noodley appendage.
Did you go to the same school?
For a bit.
Are you from the same home town?
Nope, I'm from AZ and he's from Utarrrrr.
Who is more sensitive?
Him. That's what having three older sisters will do to you.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Olive Garden? We don't eat out much. Prefer to cook ourselves.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Who has the craziest exes?
Neither of us has crazy exes actually.
Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
I've had more boyfriends and he's had more girlfriends.
Who has the worse temper?
Who is more social?
Who wakes up earlier?
On a work day me, but only because I'm at work about four hours before he is. Weekends it depends.
Do you get flowers often?
No, he brings me books and movies. Flowers are pretty but not practical. I get roses on our anniversary though.
How long did it take to get serious?
What sort of serious? Dedicated relationship? 2 years. Sexual? 3 years.
Who eats more?
Him, I"m not big on eating.
Who’s better with the computer?
He is for practical things; virus scans, physical parts etc. I am for harnessing the uses of it.
Well that entertained me for a few minutes.
I'm going to go get my spin untwisted now and then hang with my pal Trevor who is visiting from Utah.