Exquisite corpse (also known as "exquisite cadaver" or "rotating corpse") is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled, the result being known as the exquisite corpse or cadavre exquis in French. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun") or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


I was given fifty dollars in gift cards for Barnes and Nobles from my Father and his girlfriend.


Hope everyone had a great holiday. I know my furry family did, though I'm still waiting on the bunnies beds to get here.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh yes I would.

At night..

When you're sleeping....

He peeks in your windows...

Prys open the panes of glass...

Leans over your peaceful form...

and takes your skin.

Monday, December 12, 2011


So I have a body modification called Dermal Anchor Implants, Or Microdermals as some call them. They're basically pretty jewels implanted in my flesh. They are meant to be permanent and can not be removed or changed without cutting into the flesh.

The jewelry looks like this. The "foot" Or base is inserted into an incision in the flesh and the scar tissue heals through the holes of the foot and that's what holds it in place.

I have two, One under each collar bone. I love them. However, dermals in general have a high rejection rate. When you get them done there's averagely a 50/50 chance of them surfacing so I knew going into it that they might not stay.

If you are looking into getting a Microdermal implant there are a few things that add up to them healing correctly. First and foremost, RESEARCH YOUR PIERCER! You want some one with experience. Look through portfolios, talk to the piercer about their rejection rates, ask how they do it (with a punch or a needle?). Next is the aftercare. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR A GREAT DEAL OF THE HEALING PROCESS. If you don't care for it correctly it won't matter how great your piercer was. And lastly, YOUR BODY. Some people just can't heal them. Sometimes it's the placement. Too much flesh, too little, to much movement, clothing rubbing, things catching etc.
Bottom line is, if you're going to permanently alter your body you need to do your research. Good tattoos/mods aren't cheap and cheap tattoos/mods aren't good I always say.

Now, back to my story. I knew it wasn't likely to stay but I got them anyway. I don't have much flesh on me and especially right there on my chest. So it was no big surprise when I noticed the left base was almost completely visible. This morning the bottom portion came out of my skin. Oh well, shit happens I tried.

But it irritates me that it's just hanging out there...

I'll head to a shop soon and have the one removed completely and the other one taken out the rest of the way. Currently it looks like the lower left hand picture below. Just hanging out wrong. Luckily even when they get infected and awful like that they rarely scar. Maybe I'll try again in a fleshier area. My back perhaps...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Something Strange is Lurking...

Life has changed dramatically for me over the last few months. We got a dog, I got a second job, moved to a town house, bought a couple cars, and a few more things are coming that I will update on as they happen.

The dogs name is Poe (as in Edgar Allan, no one is surprised). She's sweet as pie and very smart. She is also only ten months, making her very very active. In an attempt to keep her happy, healthy and entertained I try to take her for a run every night. Working from Five AM to Seven or Nine PM makes the time to run always when it's dark. Some days its four in the morning and some days it's nine or ten at night. My town is small, there are only four stop lights and no street lights any where but town center. I do not live near the town center making my runs very dark when I go out to run.
My town is also criss-crossed with washes. A wash is like a giant empty river bed. The majority of the year they're empty of water, full of trees and bushes and the local wildlife live in them. They run behind my house and in front of it and cut through roads, they're there to divert flood water during monsoon season. The ground here can't absorb water so flooding happens whenever it rains.

Now that you have an idea of what my town looks like, I'll tell you about the strange things going on in it.

On my run the other night my ipod suddenly cut out. Just completely stopped as I was running alongside on of the bigger washes on a back road behind where I live. I stopped and went to see what was wrong with it. The screen was black. Dead. That's when I noticed just how silent it was, it was so strange, no sound of coyotes or javalenas, no kids getting high in the wash or even the sound of crows picking through what coyotes and pigs leave behind. Poe was straining on her leash to keep going so I shrugged it off and started running again.
Until I heard the scratching.
It was like someone dragging branches across the ground but louder and almost echoing. I slowed and stopped again, a little confused and freaked out. I hadn't heard an animal like that out here before and was worried another bear had come down from the mountain, and in the back of my mind I thought of the native reservation five miles away... They have the strangest monsters there...

I wondered if I should turn around or if I should keep going or just break for it and run a different direction all together when I saw Poe staring directly at the top of the hill. Not pulling or excited like when she sees another person coming, but fully tensed and focused, her nose barely twitching and her ears up and alert. The scratching was getting louder, I looked up at the top of the hill to see a very strange person walk out of the wash and onto the sidewalk. He ( I assume from the broad shoulders it was a he)was incredibly tall, above six and a half feet. He did have longer hair, and was incredibly thin, he looked like he'd been stretched, arms and legs long and spindly. he moved almost like he was tied together with string at the joints and swung forward and backward and side to side with every step.

He turned and stared down the hill at us and I swear to god he waved. Then turned back the way he was heading, crossed the street and wandered into the other wash.
The scratching noise faded and stopped a few moments later and my ipod turned back on to scare me shitless and deafen me with full volume Metallica.
I ran right back home.

What the fuck is that?
I would call Slender Man but I know for a fact he's not real, so time for another theory.
The scratching noise has me calling him Mr. Scratch, I find it fitting on a whole other aspect because Mr Scratch is another name for the devil.
I haven't come into contact with him again so maybe it was just some tall lanky kid from the high school coming out of the wash from shooting up; explaining why he was moving that way and the scratching noise was coming from my ipod. It is over five years old and does act up some times.
But still...

Thursday, December 1, 2011