So, anyone that knows me knows I prefer animals to people. I can watch any movie involving torture, maiming, murder, even children being harmed and killed and I am just dandy. I'll even fall asleep watching these things. But show me an animal being hurt or abused and I will become beyond enraged and upset. I bitch people out for using the wrong kind of leash, not getting their animals vaccinated, not clipping their nails and not getting the animal spayed or neutered. Animals are one of my main passions in life.
My favorite house pet is a rabbit(if you couldn't guess) I've owned them since the age of eleven and I can't ever picture my life without one again. Hannibal is my fourth bunny and my very first rabbit I owned in my independent adult life. He is my boy, my bubba, my asshole-butthead-cannibal-you-put-that-down-jerkface! My favorite of our pets. So of course I do all I can to make him happy. He lives in the living room, is fed fresh foods at all times, spoiled on occasion with a cheerio or two and gets away with destroying more of my stuff than the cats do. I treat him (and my other pets) like the wonderful little creatures they are and I can't imagine ever hurting him (or them) or neglecting them in any way.
Hannibal is almost two and we are stable enough that I began the long process of adopting him a friend. Picking a friend is hard and so I decided to go through a rescue and have been in contact with them for months. A few months back they got a call about a woman with an out of control rabbit situation in her yard. About forty rabbits she said. The rescue goes out and they find over 100. In this womans backyard in the 110 and above arizona summer. Disgusting.
Now, if you've seen Watership Down, you'll know that rabbits are very territorial and will fight brutally with each other (which is why I'm taking my time finding Hannibal a friend) and when you have over a hundred in a small space in horrible conditions and just let them breed, shit gets out of control.
This is Henry. The fighting and heat and horrible conditions have cost him a lot. All because some one just let their two bunnies out to live in the yard when they got bored with them. Two rabbits can become Two hundred rabbits in a year.
The little one hiding in that burrow there is now called Amelia. There were tons of those burrows all over the yard they went down very deep. Rabbits and their babies had to be chased out, caught and then the holes filled in with concrete to stop other rabbits getting in.
I have many other pictures of the wounds, diseases and horrible conditions these poor little animals were in, All because some stupid fuck got "CUTE WITTLE BUNNIES" without the proper research, then got bored and released them into the wild. Because, of course a domesticated rabbit is still a wild animal! It's will survive just fine and will wander off to find and live with it's wild brethren. No, what this stupid person got was a huge animal cruelty and hording charge and over 100 rabbits sick, hurt, and scared and who knows how many dead in those tunnels.
I went and visited with all the bunnies yesterday and have found a gorgeous little boy from the back yard situation. I will be going back Sunday to turn in some paperwork and hopefully get the ok to bring Hannibal in to meet the bunnies and maybe find a friend. I'm sickened by the horrible treatment of these poor things. My pets are my kids, my loves, my reason and to abuse a creature that wants nothing from you but care makes me sick.
Take care of your animals. Be a compassionate, intelligent RESPONSIBLE human being. Donate time or money to a local shelter, speak up if you see abuse or even just call the proper authority. Don't just stand by and let it happen.
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