Exquisite corpse (also known as "exquisite cadaver" or "rotating corpse") is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled, the result being known as the exquisite corpse or cadavre exquis in French. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun") or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

It Has Begun!

Christmas was fine, much like Thanksgiving the Family and the Utah Escapists gathered in my living room to consume food and drink while watching dumb cartoons and playing fun video games. Frank brought Jack who I have adopted as my brother because he's adorable, Laura showed up and my much beloved Valerie came over to consume Christmas waffles with me! (Val is currently doing her Masters program at Georgetown and I have not seen her in months!) So I was a happy camper.

We're not big on gift giving in our family so we gave each other some small things and that was that.
Frank did not don the metal gear this time around, he didn't get that crunk.

In other news, I finally get to start collecting LIving Dead Dolls! Back about ten years ago when I first saw them I wanted them so badly! But mom thought they were too grotesque, even with her love of morbid stories and crime scene photos. So I waited out of respect for her. Then I got older and didn't have the money for such things. NOW THOUGH! Now I have the money and the space and last night I ordered my first Living Dead Doll!

BILLY DOLL! From my favorite of all movie series SAW. He was on sale for only twenty dollars so I am happily awaiting his arrival.

Happy is the Goth Girl with the Dead Doll.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Morning

Saturdays are my one day of the week where I have the day to myself. I don't have to get up at five a.m. to go to work and Kris goes in around seven while I sleep in and enjoy kitten snuggles. This morning I got up around seven with Kris and went out to feed the animals, and the first thing I was greeted with was Hannibal doing happy binkies outside my door. Sure it was mainly because it was breakfast time and he knew it, but nothing makes me happier than seeing his furry butt racing around like a crack fiend.

On the other side of the barrier, Teddy V. waited patiently and sweetly for breakfast next to his bowl. His sweet little face looking up at me expectantly. He's a heart breaker with those big brown eyes and that gray butterfly on his nose.

I didn't start this blog for any real reason, I didn't intend it to be a rabbit blog. I just like journaling, regardless of whether anyone reads it or not, I enjoy doing it. But, a rabbit blog it is becoming since the majority of my time is spent with my bunnies or at the rescue with all 162 of those bunnies.

So I accept that I am a rabbit blogger, that I have no life outside of my pets. my daily routine is work at five a.m home by two p.m. clean up mess rabbits have made during the day, check cat, rabbit, and snake water bowls, clean all three bunny litter boxes and cat litter, check snake tank temp, watch Barneby Betta Fish dance and play with him with a mirror, cuddle kitten, lay on floor with Hannibal, drag both buns into bathtub for bonding work (not coming along well, but that's a different post) then make dinner with Kris and spend the rest of the night clicker training buns and watching dumb cartoons.

I am a pet addict I think.
Man I am the coolest twenty two year old I know! *sarcasm*
Whatever, I am awesome.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Actual Update

Poor little Teddy Vorheese. He's doing really well but he hates his Pen G injections. He doesn't fight me or bite or even struggle, but his little face just sobs "Please! No more!".

I don't blame him.
He has two more and then he goes back to the vet to check his progress. We find out then if he gets more shots or if we're done. His mouth looks great to me, no redness, swelling or pus. He eats just fine and plays and cuddles so here's hoping for the best!

He highly disapproves of this post.

What's happening today?

The living room is being rearranged. Why you ask?
Today both bunnies are going free range. No more pens.
Oooooh dear.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hannibal Says

Shes a rotten kind of cute for a zombie prostitute

But I'll allow kisses anyway.

All those books? They're for us bunnies to eat.

Yes the dear Hannibal thinks my books are for feasting on. It's hard to keep him from it so I just keep old magazines and scratch notebooks on the bottom shelf so he can chew them. I think if he knew that he'd try harder to climb the shelves.
The skeletons on the shelf are name Voodoo Charlie and Roy the Toxic Boy. They live up high because Hannibal, as always, ripped Roys feet off and a few of his ribs. Poor Roy.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sometimes... I'm just...

Which is to say. I'm just myself.

My first grade teacher used to make us say something after the pledge every day. While we were still standing up, hands over our hearts, in unison:
"I am special, I am me. There's no one else I'd rather be."

I am of the opinion that more people need this attitude. We all just need to be who we are and let others be who they are.

Even if we are Undead.

Now, I am off to embrace that part of me that enjoys reading Rotten DOT com and looking at pictures of dead things while drinking chocolate milk and dying my hair purple. I suggest you all go do what makes you yourself.

P.S!! DO NOT VISIT ROTTEN DOT COM IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS! I'm serious here, it's main purpose in being is to archive the most horrific, violent, disgusting, disturbing things out there. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Story of Hannibal

My fluffy demon will be two on January ninth, as in next month! Which means I have had him for almost two years. Hannibal has lived in two houses and two apartments with me and traveled six hundred miles from Utah to Arizona. He's the boss of our home and the darling of it. My life would be just a little empty with out him in it.

It was around June of 2009 that Kris and I decided to say fuck you to the apartment we were currently living in and get a new furbaby. I had a beta fish but I needed something I could interact with just a little more than that. I had owned three house rabbits in my life and found them to be my favorite pet, so we decided a bunny would be the perfect option for us at that moment.

I checked my local humane societies and looked for rescues in my area but, strangely, there were no bunnies in the shelters and no bunny rescues. I can only assume it's because Utah is a strange state and the rabbit as a house pet hasn't really caught on there yet. They're still mainly an outside, ignored pet.

So I started looking around on KSL.com (sort of like CL) and came across pics of a fluffy little lionhead guy being rehomed because the girl was getting married, moving out of her parents house, and didn't think she would have time for him.
Lionheads are a relatively new breed. They aren't yet accepted officially by the ARBA. They are still bred and shown though, and I fell in love with the breed the first time I saw an albino boy at the pet shop four years ago. And while I wasn't on the hunt for any particular breed, I fell in love with the pictures of the fuzzy little guy. I emailed her and she emailed me and within the week I brought home a five month old, sable, double maned, lionhead.

Baby boy. Barely one and half pounds.

He was shy and very skittish. I set him up in my kitchen and opened the tiny cage he had been kept in most of his life and just sat and waited. Eventually he took his first hesitant look around. Poking his tiny eared, furry head out of the door and sniffing. He immediately pulled it back in upon noticing me, but it was a start.

Over that weekend I spent hours sitting and coaxing him out with treats and soft words. He had not had much human contact other than being dragged out of his little cage and handled for pictures and to have his fur dyed blue. (yes, he was a moldy green color when he came to me because the girl thought it would be *cute* to dye him blue. She did this to him twice) So he was nervous and suspicious of all humans. He did not hop, he walked like a rat or hamster. He had never had any sort of greens or hay so he wasn't sure if he should eat what I gave him. he'd run and hide if you moved too fast.

So it went, me showing him I would not hurt him or scare him and him slowly learning he could do pretty much whatever he wanted. Soon he was zooming around the living room and stealing Kris's socks. He began to follow us every where and beg for treats. When we packed up to move he was in the boxes and on our shoulders, into everything, during the twelve hour car ride here he was on my shoulder or hiding in my lap.

Now, at almost two he's the most brazen, in your face, I'm the boss bunny I've ever owned. He greets people at the door and jumps into laps to demand attention. He follows me to the kitchen to get in the fridge for treats. If the cat is asleep on the floor he will run over her and then chase her around to play with him, steal her toys and attempt to eat her food (we keep it out of his reach now) He jumps onto the table to try and steal my cheerios and he cuddles up to nap with me. <3

He's three pounds of holy terror and destruction, but I would not trade him for the world.