Exquisite corpse (also known as "exquisite cadaver" or "rotating corpse") is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled, the result being known as the exquisite corpse or cadavre exquis in French. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun") or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Better Gift than Truth

On the 29th I got to meet the woman who truly caused my love of books, writing, and death. Anne Rice. (Please forgive the crappy cell pics. My camera bit the dust)
She released her newest book, The Wolf Gift, earlier in Febuary and then toured to promote it. This book was a trip back to the supernatural for her, being about werewolves, it also was a trip back to her older writing style. Questioning good and evil and what we, as humans, are and who created us and why. I loved it. I preordered it and devoured it the moment it downloaded to my Nook. It was after I had already finished it that I found out she was doing a signing in Tempe. Of course, you had to buy a copy of the book from that store to get tickets to the signing. So I bought it again!
I went with three of my best friends and we spent the evening in the bookstore acting the fool and making new friends. I got my copy of Violin signed. It's a hardbound first edition AND it's the first Anne Rice book I ever read when I was twelve. Before I'd ever heard of the Vampire Chronicles. I also got the copy of The Wolf Gift signed since I had paid for it. I figured I'd sell it online or something. When I went to work one of my bosses/friends was super bummed he hadn't been able to go. CLick! I brought him the book and gave it to him as a present! He was so happy and kept trying to pay me! I refused and that was that says I! Until he threw a piece of paper at me later that night. -_- he gave me a 75$ gift card to Barnes and Noble. What a nerd! <3

Sunday, December 25, 2011


I was given fifty dollars in gift cards for Barnes and Nobles from my Father and his girlfriend.


Hope everyone had a great holiday. I know my furry family did, though I'm still waiting on the bunnies beds to get here.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh yes I would.

At night..

When you're sleeping....

He peeks in your windows...

Prys open the panes of glass...

Leans over your peaceful form...

and takes your skin.

Monday, December 12, 2011


So I have a body modification called Dermal Anchor Implants, Or Microdermals as some call them. They're basically pretty jewels implanted in my flesh. They are meant to be permanent and can not be removed or changed without cutting into the flesh.

The jewelry looks like this. The "foot" Or base is inserted into an incision in the flesh and the scar tissue heals through the holes of the foot and that's what holds it in place.

I have two, One under each collar bone. I love them. However, dermals in general have a high rejection rate. When you get them done there's averagely a 50/50 chance of them surfacing so I knew going into it that they might not stay.

If you are looking into getting a Microdermal implant there are a few things that add up to them healing correctly. First and foremost, RESEARCH YOUR PIERCER! You want some one with experience. Look through portfolios, talk to the piercer about their rejection rates, ask how they do it (with a punch or a needle?). Next is the aftercare. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR A GREAT DEAL OF THE HEALING PROCESS. If you don't care for it correctly it won't matter how great your piercer was. And lastly, YOUR BODY. Some people just can't heal them. Sometimes it's the placement. Too much flesh, too little, to much movement, clothing rubbing, things catching etc.
Bottom line is, if you're going to permanently alter your body you need to do your research. Good tattoos/mods aren't cheap and cheap tattoos/mods aren't good I always say.

Now, back to my story. I knew it wasn't likely to stay but I got them anyway. I don't have much flesh on me and especially right there on my chest. So it was no big surprise when I noticed the left base was almost completely visible. This morning the bottom portion came out of my skin. Oh well, shit happens I tried.

But it irritates me that it's just hanging out there...

I'll head to a shop soon and have the one removed completely and the other one taken out the rest of the way. Currently it looks like the lower left hand picture below. Just hanging out wrong. Luckily even when they get infected and awful like that they rarely scar. Maybe I'll try again in a fleshier area. My back perhaps...

Saturday, December 10, 2011