Exquisite corpse (also known as "exquisite cadaver" or "rotating corpse") is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled, the result being known as the exquisite corpse or cadavre exquis in French. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun") or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile

SURPRISE! It's Kris! No one's surprised are they?
It was unavoidable considering how long he's been in my life. P.S. That pic is from when we saw Voltaire last January. VERY FUN night. Kris and Sarah got smashed and Voltaire is such a lovely person. So wonderful with his fans, he stayed and talked and hung out with everyone after the show.

So yes, Kris and I met on the bus when I was in seventh grade, he was in ninth. My best friend Jake and I had taken to commandeering the very back seats on the bus for ourselves, an yet, we never got the very last seat because a boy was always there. He didn't look mean but he certainly didn't look like he wanted to be bothered by our hooliganry so we let him be. Then one day Jake decides to turn around and introduce himself. The boy just sort of stared in reply, he didn't give us a name but he was friendly after a minute and we all started a tentative friendship that day.

For about two months we didn't know his name. It became a game, every day we'd try and guess and every day he'd say we were wrong. After a time we knew his name but pretended like we didn't just for fun.

A year later and we started dating. Not terribly interesting but that's how it happened.

Now it's nine years since those bus rides. Nine years, of laughter and nine years of tears. Of moving and pets, and cars and divorces.


Friday, January 14, 2011

31 Days of Me

So I find myself with nothing much to say, but I want to continue updating and goofing around on here. What is a girl to do? I know! Find an annoying internet MEME! So I jacked this from a friend on facebook and will start doing it here. I can't promise it will be updated every day since our internet is so back and forth, but I'll do my best.

So, Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts

1. I love to read
2. I love writing, but haven't liked a single thing I've written in the past two years.
3. I model as a hobby.
4. I think I have the most random assortment of features mashed into a body. I know I'm not ugly, but I think I'm strange looking.
5. I'm an animal person.
6. I can be incredibly mean.
7. I'm terrified and repulsed by pregnant people. No idea why, but I have an uncontrollable panic set in if someone pregnant gets too close to me and will physically jerk away if touched(with the exception of my dear friend Sasha. Not sure why she never freaked me out when pregnant and she's been with child at least three times since I've known her).
8. My best friend is gay.
9. I'm bi.
10. If you mistreat animals I will mistreat you.
11. I love creepy, scary, and dead things.
12. I've been with my boyfriend for over 8 years and we've been friends for over 9.
13. I very rarely take anyone seriously.
14. I fall into deep depressions very easily but I come out of them just as easily.
15. I have six tattoos.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I hate the new year.

Not so much that I actually hate 2011, no, I hate all the:
"OH man 2010 was great 2011 will be better!"
"2010 sucked but 2011 will be better!"
posts I'm spammed with on facebook. I suppose it's my own fault for letting high school kids that befriended me at work add me. But still.

Honestly though, I don't like the whole idea of "New Years". You're telling me, that yesterday is completely different than today and I can start all these new resolutions and THIS time I will actually stick to them for the next 365 days? I'm a bitch, I'm not trying to put people down, if that's you're thing and you enjoy doing it then good for you. I never make New Years Resolutions though. I'm constantly changing and starting new things, once I make the decision to do something I do it with little prompting (though a lot of whining).

Also, 2010 wasn't any different to me than 2009, 2009 was only different because I moved here but other than that it's in line with the last most horrible years of my life, and that's saying something. In fact, it was the worst year so far as it's the first year I began to entertain killing myself and my mental health deteriorated to a point where I was not functioning properly at all. I was completely out of my head, the first time I actively yelled at my mom ever, (though over the phone, it was still horrible of me). Those are just the highlights that I remember as the most recent. I don't like to dwell on things.

As always, when I count up the bad things though, I count up the good. As shitty as the last few years have been there are good things. Nothing is ever all good and nothing is ever all bad. There will be hard times (the last few years) and there will be good times (years previous and years to come). I know I'll never actually kill myself and now I know my psychosis can and will come back if I don't take care of myself. This is a good thing because now I can integrate things into my routine to help with that.
I have been in Arizona over a year. I hate it here, but I like it more than Utah and I have my brother and sister.
Kris and I got our first apartment with just US. After living together for years but always having room mates this is heaven.
We've had Hannibal almost two years, brought Nox Arcana and Ryuk, into our home, and brought Teddy V. home and through a terrible ordeal and he is still a loving sweet little guy.
I started volunteering at the rescue which makes me feel a little less useless and a whole lot happier and full of bunnies in my life.
I shaved half my head and have my deathhawk, that is amazingly liberating for some reason.
I purchased my own car. Never actually bought, and insured my own car. That was neat.

As always, I'm rambling. I don't care, this is my place to spill word vomit and vomit I shall! So here's not to Resolutions, here's to continuing! Continue to improve, continue to get better, continue to do whatever the fuck I want, and continue to roll with the punches. If I'm hit to hard I'll stay down for a bit, but once my breath's back, I'll be come up worse than before. Like a razor blade, touch me, and I won't be the one left bleeding.
Always remember, problems can be solved, I just have to wait, and work, it out.