Exquisite corpse (also known as "exquisite cadaver" or "rotating corpse") is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled, the result being known as the exquisite corpse or cadavre exquis in French. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun") or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oh boy

One man hide and seek did not happen. That's ok though because I finally found an apartment! Woohoo! After ten months of living with Dad I can finally get my own place again! It's delightful.One Bedroom, third floor, washer dryer included, balcony, pets allowed all for under 700 dollars. :)

Another reason this is such wonderful news is this is the first time Kris and I will be living completely alone! No room mates, no family, just us and our pets. Lovely.
We left all our house stuff in Utah though, which is sad but it means we have to replace dishes, cookware, flatware, baking stuff and even dish towels. The in the living room I have to get a new entertainment center, coffee table, side tables, new shelves for all our books and movies, We don't even have a vacuum anymore! Oh and all new bathroom stuff. Right down to the shower curtain rod.

Its terrible and wonderful at the same time. When we first moved in together four years ago we sort of just had whatever was cheapest at the time that would do what we wanted. We also had to factor in the chances of drunken/high room mates breaking things. Many things were broken and when we left we just gave them to friends and sold them online. I wish we still had that vacuum though, best vacuum ever. Only paid thirty bucks and it picked up hay with no effort.

Well that's the fun for this week. We don't move in for another ten days. Yes, I am counting.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things I'm not supposed to do.

Kris puts very few rules in place as far as what I do goes. The main ones are:
No Ouija boards in the house. EVER.
Don't invite angry or demonic seeming spirits into the house.
No Hoodoo.
Well he's just no fun at all.
I don't know if I believe in everything I do. I'm not even sure I believe in ghosts and spirits even though I've seen/been involved in/created many paranormal situations. The logical part of me is screaming that there is a scientific basis for all this and that I'm being crazy. But then I remember that just last month I watched something that I couldn't see pick up the remote control and throw it at me. That left a bruise on my arm for a week that many other people saw.
All that aside, I got bored last night and tried to summon a Mirror Witch A.K.A Bloody Mary. Much to my disappointment ( I want proof damn it) nothing happened. Oh yeah, summoning a Mirror Witch goes under the "No bad spirits in the house". Oooops.
Anyway I was telling Kris I was sad it hadn't worked, then we started talking about One Man Hide and Seek. He agreed to play it with me as long as the doll doesn't have eyes and is made of cloth.
Dads going back to Mexico this weekend.
I do believe I want to play a game...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Clean sweep.

Today I got up and cleaned the house. Some one pissed me off almost immediatly after I got up so I had a lot of anger to help me with scrubbing. It also helped that every one was gone this morning, that never happens anymore. Dad took Laura to her friends place an hour away and Kris was at work. I prefer to clean when people aren't home because I have a method to my cleaning. I put on really loud music (TATU and A Perfect Circle today)I start at the kitchen and work my way all around the house. I haven't cleaned my room yet though. By the time I finished scrubbing the bathroom I had worn myself out and wasn't angry any more, so I sat down to look for a place to move.

I really need another job. Just two or three nights a week would be perfect for me, sadly this town is so small it's hard to find anything. I refuse to give up!

So Hannibal has a clean bill of health AND he didn't bite ANYONE at the vet. Not even when they trimmed his nails and took his temperature. He tried to kick a little but the vet was amazing and knew just how to hold a bunny to make sure he didn't hurt anyone or himself. I sent in more info to the rabbit rescue and hopefully we start dates soon! I want to wait till after August to bring anyone home though. We're going to Utah for four days in August for a wedding and I don't want to worry about bonding buns when I'm on the road.

My house smells like bleach. I enjoy it.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cannibal Love?

So tomorrow Hannibal has his yearly wellness check and after that, if he comes out in tip top shape, he begins bunny speed dating! Yes my little cannibal will begin his search for bunny love. I have contacted a rescue in the area and as soon as they check my references the dates will begin!

I'm not too picky about the bunny that comes home with us. I'd prefer one that isn't long hair, just because we already have tummy issues with him ingesting so much of his own fur and we don't need MORE fur. I spend at least twenty minutes a day grooming him when he's molting (like he is now) and when he isn't he gets twenty minutes every other day. We still get tummy trouble. I've ordered a new Furminator brush that will hopefully help get all that fur out though woo! So, yeah, like I said I just want him to be happy with his new friend. There is a special needs bun at the rescue that I would looooove to bring home, he's just beautiful and sweet and so lovey, but I know I wouldn't be able to afford his vet costs at the moment and that isn't fair to him so I won't even entertain the idea.

So much to do! Even before we're approved! I need to get his vet check, get my room organized in a way that, if and when we find the right bun, we can separate them without causing too many issues while they get used to each other. Hopefully we'll be moving soon and will be able to put both buns in a space neither has been in before. That will help. Bonding is a llloooong process, I've had one pair of buns bond before and it took a long time, allot of patience, and allot of love.
But so worth it. It may take a long time, but once bunnies bond, they bond for life. Hannibal could really benefit from a friend right now. :)

After his first, and hopefully last, bout with Stasis. We gave him a hair cut to stop more hair from adding to the blockage and it helped allot! He was so happy to be feeling better!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


So a friend of mine at work has begun a 'No meat with feet' lifestyle. I am grateful to her for not calling herself a vegetarian because she will still eat seafood and if you eat seafood you are not vegetarian, as I have pointed out before. She's doing it for the health benefits and it's hard for her but she feels much better so I am happy for her.
In an effort to be her friend I recommended a few things to her from when I was Veggie for a bit and it's made me think of the vegetarian idea again. I was never a veggie for the whole Save the animals thing, I don't believe that not eating meat will help the animals being mistreated at all unlless, literally, everyone does it. I did it for the health benefits but quickly realized that this, what with the amount of vitamins and supplements I had to take and the fact that I don't like allot of veggies, wasn't going to work out for me. Curse you blood disease!
It's got me thinking that maybe I should give the pescetarianism a try. I don't eat beef because it makes me sick, chicken is ok but I get bored with it, I'm not a big lunch meat fan, I LOVE pig though. Mmmm bacon, pulled pork sammiches mmmmm. Crap, pig will be the meat that gets me.
This is a dilemma. especially since Kris got a lobster and had it steamed and all that tastiness only for Elizabeth to discover, she can't eat something she's seen alive. I love lobster but I couldn't eat it. Nope.
So I've decided I will just cut it all out for a bit, stick with my fresh fruits, the few veggies I like and stock up on boca burgers again and see what happens. I'm not saying I'll be sticking with it but I will give it a shot. I like meat but I don't eat it allot so we'll see what happens.
Hannibal approves as long as he gets to taste everything I eat. He eats people though so I don't think he can join in.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

she had given up her beautiful voice, and suffered unheard-of pain daily for him, while he knew nothing of it.

Today I am reading The Little Mermaid. The Hans Christian Anderson one, not the Disney one.

One of my favorite things to remind people of when they bitch about relationships not being a breeze is that love is for fairy tales, the prince is a rapist and the the princess dies at the end. The Little Mermaid is a good example of this, except really the Prince is a pretty cool guy, he just happens to not love her and that is her undoing.

She suffers so much pain and changes herself and shortens her life for him and still he marries the other hooker. Sadly, the mermaid ends up dead and turned to sea foam.
I generally find that love is really that way.

You sacrifice and suffer and , in the end, it was all for nothing. Everything comes to an end at some point, and that end is normally the beginning. We die a million times in our life, and sometimes we never really come back as who we were the first time.